15 Nov Auto services comparison site MyCarNeedsA.com turns to the crowd
MyCarNeedsA.com, a Northern Irish business which has developed an online comparison site for car services, maintenance and MoTs has almost met its £900,000 crowdfunding target, with the funding set to accelerate its growth.
Clarendon portfolio company, MyCarNeedsA.com provides vehicle owners with a platform to compare quotes from pre-approved garages in their area. The platform revealed it has nationwide coverage which comprises of a mix of independent service providers, franchises and chains, including many well-known names in the market. The service is free to users. It also reported:
“Our experience in the market suggests that these businesses find it difficult to recruit new customers. Even those with a sound core of loyal business can often lack marketing resources to expand their base, or to attract the most profitable work in a way that suits their workflow schedules. For a monthly subscription, MyCarNeedsA.com can fulfil that marketing function and delivers quote requests that can be selected by Service Providers to suit their own business needs.”
It is seeking £900,000 via Seedrs and at the time of writing had secured more than 75 per cent of the target. The business will use the cash to invest in marketing in a bid to ramp up its customer base. It will also use to boost to ensure the company has “adequate resource” to manage its growing network and “maximise revenues accordingly”.
MyCarNeedsA.com is based in Portadown.